Vision and Mission
The source of complete and modern information resource wisdom heritage Focus on providing outstanding service Ready to be a professional library leader
Main mission
1. Conducting surveys, sourcing, collecting, storing and preserving the heritage of information resources in the form of media, publications, audiovisual media, electronic media and ancient documents
2. Study, analyze, research, perform technical work in academic, library science Information Science and Information Technology According to international standards As well as providing training to personnel of agencies and educational institutions both domestically and internationally
3. Providing services and promoting reading, education, research and research to the public To be a lifelong learning source and informal education
4. Being the National Academic Information System Coordination Center
5. Being the international journals center of Thailand International Standard Numbering Center for books and journals The Center defines the bibliographic details of books published in the country. And as a center and change and borrow publications at national and international levels
6. Being a national publication
7. Being a newspaper publishing office According to the law on the registration of printing in the area of responsibility
8. Determining criteria for academic standards in library and information science of the National Library
9. Promoting and coordinating the National Library Network
10. Work with or support the work of other related agencies. Or assigned
Duties in various fields
General Administration
1. Proceeding about the correspondence, administration and secretary meetings of the organization.
2. Conduct financial and accounting tasks on the basis of the agency.
3. Proceed with the parcel work Building work And the vehicle work of the agency
4. Take action on the person's job in the primary department.
5. Proceed with the work plan / project and the budget work of the agency
6. Work with or support the work of other related agencies or assigned
Information Resource Development Group
1. Procure, select, collect all types of information resources produced locally and internationally. And follow information resources in accordance with the printing notice
2. Conduct exchanges and loan publications between local and international libraries.
3. Register information resources According to academic principles of library and information science
4. Analyze information resources to determine categories List of bibliographies Save the data in the database. And specify the bibliography details of the book (CIP)
5. Collect information resources that have been received in accordance with the Print Notifications Act to be stored as national publications.
6. Compile a list of publications for national bibliography.
7. Perform technical work on audio-visual media, record images, produce, convert and produce copies of original information resources.
8. Provide advice, advice and disseminate academic knowledge to educational institutions and other agencies.
9. Work with or support the work of other related agencies or assigned
Information Resources Services Group
1. Providing services for reading, answering questions and helping research
2. Establish bibliographic indexes, bibliography, abstracts and documents for using services
3. Special information service Receiving the registration of printing of newspapers and journals in accordance with the Notification Act, BE 2550 (2007), assigning international standard books (ISBN) and international standard numbers (ISSN)
4. Perform technical work on repairing and preserving information resources.
5. Perform reading promotion activities And viewing service
6. Provide advice, advice and disseminate academic knowledge to educational institutions and other agencies.
7. Work with or support the work of other related agencies or assigned
Library Research and Development Group
1. Study, research and study for quality assessment And develop the system of the National Library
2. Analyze, plan to evaluate quality And personnel development
3. Coordinate the network of cooperation between libraries both at home and abroad. And is the Office of the Secretary of the Committee and coordinating the National Academic Information System And the Humanities Information Center Coordination Center
4. Providing advice, advice, dissemination, coordination and training in work and academic training for educational institutions And other agencies
5. Work with or support the work of other related agencies or assigned
Group of books, writers and inscriptions
1. Analyze, research, compare the characteristics, font style and language. Determine age Set rules In copying, copying, copying, overseeing and translating the alphabet-ancient language from ancient documents into alphabet-present Thai language
2. Explore ancient documents in various regions across the country.
3. Prepare ancient registration documents Analyze, define categories, create card registration, list and service accounts according to the types of ancient documents.
4. Consider the examination of ancient documents to provide conservation. Preserve the original And send the appropriate copy of various types
5. Service and provide information for study and research from ancient documents to students Public student
6. Providing advice, advice, dissemination, coordination and training in the operation of ancient documents for other agencies And related private
7. Work with or support the work of other related agencies or assigned
Music Library, King Rama VI and Sirindhorn Music Library
1. Explore, supply, collect information resources in music, both print media and audio media.
2. Conservation, continuation, production and dissemination of academic information in music, both in the form of print media and visual media
3. Operate technical, academic, library science Information science and information technology according to international standards As well as providing training to personnel of agencies and educational institutions
4. Providing education, research, information resources in music, publications And visual media for students and the public
5. Be a center to coordinate and exchange academic information with music organizations. Associations both public and public
6. Provide academic advice and dissemination to academic institutions and other agencies.
7. Work with or support the work of other related agencies or assigned
National Library, Lat Krabang District honor
1. Providing services for reading, studying, researching books, publications, audio-visual media, electronic media at all disciplines for students, students and the public.
2. Question answering service and research help
3. Organize exhibitions and activities for public relations, promote reading and enhance knowledge to the public.
4. Work with or support the work of other related agencies or assigned